Dear Colleague,
Your sales culture is part of your unique brand.
Building the right culture for your organization isn’t easy.
Too many banks have chosen training programs that are close, but not an exact fit.
As a result, people, including management, don’t stick with the approach for more than a month or two.
90 to 120 days after training you are back to business as usual. There is little evidence that training ever took place.
Bottom line?
Because the program didn’t align with your culture, it didn’t last. That program was money down the drain!
Visible Progress helps you integrate your training into your culture. We customize elements of the program to you. We make sure it fits into your business process and approach to interacting with clients.
After tailoring our program to your needs, you own it. It is uniquely your program.
You don’t need to pay a vendor to for their sales materials over and over again.
We certify your team members to deliver your program so that it is no longer an event, but part of the way you train and manage your new hires and customer sales interactions.
Our customized programs “Trusted Advisor and Trusted Coach” are designed to help you build a sustainable sales culture foe your organization.
[setmoreplus button background=”#8ECF29″ ]Free Trusted Advisor Training Overview[/setmoreplus]
[setmoreplus button background=”#8ECF29″ ]Free Trusted Coach Training Overview[/setmoreplus]
There are 5 critical components that differentiate it from most sales programs:
- Customization and integration of your tools and systems
- Our Interactive Training Approach
- Our Simple Sales Coaching approach for Leaders
- Planned Reinforcement Activities to ensure learning is sustained
- You own the program upon completion
Our programs are conducted in a hands-on practice environment, with the goal of helping participants overcome their own fears and bad habits by receiving real-time peer feedback.
Not all Sales Training is Equal
Behavioral Change is VERY difficult!
Reasons Why?
- Old habits are hard to break
- Fear of change or different
- Selling is pushy and my customers won’t like it
- Lack of management follow up
The Visible Progress Difference!
- You participate with DEFINING YOUR Sales Process with our guidance
- Top down commitment to the process
- Learning through Practice and Reinforcement
- You own the final training program!
Reinforce key behaviors
- Show Coaching – takes away the fear
- Practice – takes away the fear
- Quick Starts – sustain reinforcement
- Results Coaching – builds confidence
- Share success stories – builds your culture
Key Differences of this program
- It is customer focused and customer friendly
- Learn to ask effective questions – Build Relationships
- Learn to uncover customer needs – Needs Focused
- Learn to solve customer needs with your products – Not Salesy
- Learn to follow up to build TRUSTED RELATIONSHIPS – Proactive
- Applying the Trusted Advisor approach will help you differentiate YOU from competitors
- You participate in development of the program
- Behavior Focused
- Do the right things
- Then do things right
- You own the program – minimizing your ongoing cost
- Our customers believe in our methods – they work!
Let us show you how we tailor a program to your unique needs.
Register for a FREE 30-minute overview appointment
[setmoreplus button ]Schedule FREE Overview[/setmoreplus]
or give us a call at 614-374-2890.