614.374.2890 [email protected]

Market Beating Strategy Step 4 – Assess

Market Beating Strategy
Step 4 Assess

(Go to pages 20- 26 in your workbook – then click on the video below to play)

Complete step 4- Assess, in the space provided in your workbook – pages 20-26.

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Step 4- Assess (pages 20-26 in your workbook)

Assess what strategies are needed to achieve your goals.

Strategies are HOW you plan to achieve your goals.

Strategies are your roadmap for achieving your goals.

Without a roadmap or plan, it is very unlikely that you will achieve your goals.

A business client I worked with was great at setting goals each year.

His team even agreed to the goals.

The problem was that they never defined in detail how they could achieve their goals.

The roadmap details W³, or WHO is going to do WHAT, and by WHEN.

Without this kind of detail, you are just crossing your fingers that luck will lead you to your goals.

That almost never happens.

This client was also stuck in very mediocre performance.

His team wasn’t inspired and never really got excited about trying anything new.

In the end, achieving their goals was no one’s responsibility, and no one was held accountable, therefore, very little got done.

Once we laid out a clear roadmap that showed how achievable their goals were, every person’s contribution was measured and accounted for.

That year they beat their goals for the first time.

People got excited.

They received a bonus.

Strategy is what will motivate your team to act.

It is where they see how their work matters and how they can contribute to the organizations success.

Write out initiatives that will help you build a strategy that will help you achieve or even exceed your goals.

These initiatives should contain detail as follows:

-Who will champion it?

-What will it cost?

-What resources will be needed?

-What is the potential bottom line impact?

-How long will it take?

This is the end of Step 4- Assess – What are the potential pathways?

Keep your eyes open for the next video – Step 5 – Choose – What is your integrated plan?

Need Assistance?


If you have any questions or would like to set up an introductory phone call, please call me.

– Tim

Phone: 614.374.2890

Visible Progress  |  6815 Spring Run Drive, Westerville, OH 43082