by Tim Scholten | Aug 1, 2023 | Blog
On the surface the title of this article seems like commonsense, but it is not common practice. The question is: “If this is simple, why is it not commonly done?” The reality is that most bankers spend their time selling clients on the latest or coolest product. ...
by Tim Scholten | Jul 24, 2023 | Blog
Business is ALL about Relationships and It ALWAYS has been, but do you know how much revenue you are losing because your bankers have never been taught how to use client interactions to build strong relationships? It is obvious to most of us that the statement,...
by Tim Scholten | Jun 13, 2023 | Blog
While branches are still the most expensive delivery channel for your bank, it is still the most effective channel for engaging and educating your customers on how to leverage multiple channels for convenience and timely information. A recent study I read stated that...
by Tim Scholten | Mar 27, 2023 | Blog
If you are a Banker and you are reading this, you can’t afford to ignore this #1 strategy if you want truly satisfied clients and thriving profitability. They say, “first impressions are everything.” But is your team consistently creating the best first...
by Aaron Schulman | Oct 18, 2022 | Blog
The best and fastest way to grow your mortgage business is by having an experienced virtual marketing assistant who knows how to grow your business, and understands the inner-workings of the real estate industry. It’s one thing to have someone who knows marketing, but...
by Tim Scholten | Sep 28, 2022 | Blog
I am going to share a personal story, an experience, that far too many banks are giving their customers. Undoubtedly, it is costing banks money and long-term customers. Perhaps you have had a similar experience. Perhaps your bank may need to tweak some things so this...