Often-times companies limit involvement in strategic planning to the senior leaders in the company. This approach works for many, however, you should determine the level of expertise and input needed to formulateĀ a plan that will include quality and accurate information. This may require you to involve other individuals within your organization.
Engaging a broad and diverse team in the planning process can benefit you in two ways:
1. Provide you with rich information from associates actually doing the job; associates actually talking to your customers. This will ensure that you are not building your plans from a desired state, but from where your company is really at.
2. Build buy-in with those that must execute the plans. Involving various levels ensures that there is deeper understanding of your plans and goals across the company. All too often, associates will decide that their resistance to change will outlast your desire to succeed. This happens when communication is absent and understanding of the company’s direction is low. Allowing for broader participation can improve your execution success.
Consider inviting participants to the planning process that can help you develop a realistic but aggressive plan, and those needed to help you make the plan a reality. Broader participation may help you achieve more.